Alternative practitioner exam questions on the go for all Android smartphones or tablets!
Note about this app version:
This app is an older version that is only available to existing customers.
# In-app purchases are no longer possible here.
A new version is available in the App Store for new users and everyone who would like to use the latest version with new functions.
# Please download the latest version ikreawi 2.0 to get the best experience!
Link to version ikreawi 2.0:
Existing customers who have already purchased individual purchases or the full version can continue to use this app - with technical support until January 1st, 2027.
Thank you for your loyalty!
Your indispensable learning assistant for preparing for the written and oral alternative practitioner examination at the health department.
Over 6,300 written and oral questions challenge you during your training and prepare you optimally for the exam.
What sets us apart are the detailed answers from Dr. Dr. Hildebrand.
--> Are you currently learning the topic of heart?
Then check your knowledge and have the questions answered in detail. This way you learn while answering the question and consolidate your knowledge.
* With the app you can learn when and where you want - no internet connection necessary!
* You will receive written AND oral exam questions!
* Topic-sorted questions and all original exams since 2002
* Additional videos and PDF files on selected questions help you understand certain issues better.
* Practice in study mode or exam mode
* technically excellent answer comments explained in an understandable way
These great functions of the ikreawi app also support you in learning:
* The index box:
All your incorrect questions are automatically collected for you in our digital index system. You will be asked to repeat the individual subjects at regular intervals. This means that difficult questions and different topics are repeated regularly, ensuring effective learning success!
* The intensive care unit:
Just put difficult questions in the intensive care unit. This means you have access at any time and never lose sight of them.
* The Quick Quiz
Do you already know all the exams inside and out?
Then simply click on Quick Quiz to put together a random test!
* The quiz duel
Do you need some variety? Then play a quiz online against other users and have fun playing the game to regain your energy for difficult topics.
* The learning analysis
Each learning unit is documented in your learning progress.
This way you can measure your learning success every day.
* The text search
Search the questionnaire for specific keywords and display the relevant questions.
* Full version
If you like the app you can purchase the full version as an in-app purchase.
With all questions included at the time of purchase.
Still questions?
Then call us or send us an email:
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